Konferencja "Średniowieczna recepcja Listów św. Pawła"
W dniach 29 czerwca - 1 lipca 2023 r. odbędzie się w Toruniu międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona średniowiecznej recepcji listów pawłowych.
Sesje plenarne będą odbywały się w auli Centrum Dialogu, a popołudniowe sesje tamtyczne w budnynku Wydziału Teologicznego.
Czwartek 29 VI:
9.15 Introduction
Plenary Session 1: Chair Jörgen Vijgen
9.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Martin Mayerhofer FSO (ITI, Trumau): Nur ein Plagiat der Väter? Mittelalterlicher Paulusexegese auf dem Prüfstand
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Jeremy Thompson (Lewis University): Introducing the Corpus Paulinum in the Middle Ages: The Prologues to the Letters of Paul in the Latin Bible
11.30 Peter O’Hagan (Christendom College): ‘Ut esset basis sub columna’. St. Paul’s Role as Teacher of God’s Mysteries in Peter Lombard’s Collectanea in epistolas Pauli.
12.00 John O’Callaghan (University of Notre Dame): “He names the good vessels of mercy.”
Piątek 30 VI:
Plenary Session 2: Chair Krijn Pansters
9.45 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Volker Leppin (Yale University): Paul a mystic? Medieval perceptions
10.45 Coffee break
11.00 Randall Smith (University of St. Thomas): A Comparison of the divisiones textus between 13th century figures
11.30 Jan Klok (Theological University Kampen): Paulusexegese in Kreisen der Devoten
12.00 Ulrike Treusch (Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen): The Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans by Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
12.30 Lunch
Plenary Session 3: Chair Ulrike Treusch
14.00 Paul in the Reformation
Stefan Krauter (University of Zürich): Medieval and Reformation Commentaries on the so-called Pastoral Epistles
Noemi Schürmann (University of Zürich): Discourses of Old and New in Reformation Commentaries on Ephesians from a Historical-Religious Studies Perspective
Benjamin Manig (University of Zürich): Rhetoricizing Paul: New Perspectives on Romans in the 16th Century
15.30 Coffee Break
Plenary Session 4: Chair Marcin Janecki
16.00 Wanda Bajor (Catholic University of Lublin): Mysterium caritatis. Pauline inspirations in the Polish medieval doctrine of ius gentium
Brandon L. Wanless (University of St. Thomas MN): Aristotle’s ‘Metaphorical Justice’ and Paul’s ‘Justified by Faith’. Aquinas’s Account of the Justification of
the Sinner in his Pauline Commentaries
Jacco Verburgt (Tilburg University): ‘Et mutaverunt’: On Challenging the Politicisation of St Paul with Aquinas
Sobota 1 VII:
Plenary Session 5: Chair Piotr Roszak
9.45 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Dominique Poirel (CNRS, Paris): Les lettres de Paul à Saint-Victor de Paris
10.45 Coffee break
11.00 Timothy Bellamah, OP (Leonine Commission, Paris): ‘Sicut facula ardens’: Paul as an Incendiary Peacemaker in Guerric of St. Quinton's Postilla Super Epistolam ad Romanos
11.30 Richard J. Dougherty (University of Dallas): Thomas Aquinas on St. Paul and the Old Law
12.00 Shawn Colberg (Saint John’s University): Aquinas’ Reading Paul on Predestination, Grace, and Human Freedom
12.30 Conclusion and Farewell
Czwartek 29 VI:
9.15 Introduction
Plenary Session 1: Chair Jörgen Vijgen
9.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Martin Mayerhofer FSO (ITI, Trumau): Nur ein Plagiat der Väter? Mittelalterlicher Paulusexegese auf dem Prüfstand
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Jeremy Thompson (Lewis University): Introducing the Corpus Paulinum in the Middle Ages: The Prologues to the Letters of Paul in the Latin Bible
11.30 Peter O’Hagan (Christendom College): ‘Ut esset basis sub columna’. St. Paul’s Role as Teacher of God’s Mysteries in Peter Lombard’s Collectanea in epistolas Pauli.
12.00 John O’Callaghan (University of Notre Dame): “He names the good vessels of mercy.”
Piątek 30 VI:
Plenary Session 2: Chair Krijn Pansters
9.45 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Volker Leppin (Yale University): Paul a mystic? Medieval perceptions
10.45 Coffee break
11.00 Randall Smith (University of St. Thomas): A Comparison of the divisiones textus between 13th century figures
11.30 Jan Klok (Theological University Kampen): Paulusexegese in Kreisen der Devoten
12.00 Ulrike Treusch (Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen): The Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans by Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
12.30 Lunch
Plenary Session 3: Chair Ulrike Treusch
14.00 Paul in the Reformation
Stefan Krauter (University of Zürich): Medieval and Reformation Commentaries on the so-called Pastoral Epistles
Noemi Schürmann (University of Zürich): Discourses of Old and New in Reformation Commentaries on Ephesians from a Historical-Religious Studies Perspective
Benjamin Manig (University of Zürich): Rhetoricizing Paul: New Perspectives on Romans in the 16th Century
15.30 Coffee Break
Plenary Session 4: Chair Marcin Janecki
16.00 Wanda Bajor (Catholic University of Lublin): Mysterium caritatis. Pauline inspirations in the Polish medieval doctrine of ius gentium
Brandon L. Wanless (University of St. Thomas MN): Aristotle’s ‘Metaphorical Justice’ and Paul’s ‘Justified by Faith’. Aquinas’s Account of the Justification of
the Sinner in his Pauline Commentaries
Jacco Verburgt (Tilburg University): ‘Et mutaverunt’: On Challenging the Politicisation of St Paul with Aquinas
Sobota 1 VII:
Plenary Session 5: Chair Piotr Roszak
9.45 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Dominique Poirel (CNRS, Paris): Les lettres de Paul à Saint-Victor de Paris
10.45 Coffee break
11.00 Timothy Bellamah, OP (Leonine Commission, Paris): ‘Sicut facula ardens’: Paul as an Incendiary Peacemaker in Guerric of St. Quinton's Postilla Super Epistolam ad Romanos
11.30 Richard J. Dougherty (University of Dallas): Thomas Aquinas on St. Paul and the Old Law
12.00 Shawn Colberg (Saint John’s University): Aquinas’ Reading Paul on Predestination, Grace, and Human Freedom
12.30 Conclusion and Farewell